"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV
Here in our children's ministry at Living Word Fellowship, our vision is to see your child develop a solid, deep relationship with Jesus and be ruined for anything less than God's presence.
We strive to attain this by providing a safe, exciting environment starting in Nursery where your infant is nurtured and prayed over continually. In LWF Kids Jr. (preschool - 2-5 yr old) your child will begin to learn about worship and all the different biblical stories. Once your child enters LWF Kids (1st-6th grade) they begin to learn how to navigate in and apply God's Word to their own daily lives through object lessons, Bible teaching, prayer and our small groups!
We strive to attain this by providing a safe, exciting environment starting in Nursery where your infant is nurtured and prayed over continually. In LWF Kids Jr. (preschool - 2-5 yr old) your child will begin to learn about worship and all the different biblical stories. Once your child enters LWF Kids (1st-6th grade) they begin to learn how to navigate in and apply God's Word to their own daily lives through object lessons, Bible teaching, prayer and our small groups!

Sunday Mornings
10:00 am
Our secure check-in opens at 9:00am & closes at 10:00am. ALL children must be checked in prior to entering their classrooms.